Approach to Airway Clearance in Patients with Non-CF Bronchiectasis (NCFBE) [Podcast 3]

Program / Course Description

A podcast with Shoshana Zha, MD and Jeff Tarnow, RCP, RRT from University of California, San Francisco discussing airway clearance therapy for patients with bronchiectasis

Target Audience

Pulmonologists, radiologists, general practitioners who treat patients with bronchiectasis

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the learners should be able to:

  • Manage bronchiectasis, including exacerbations, to minimize progression

Copyright Information

Copyright © 2025 American Thoracic Society. Any unauthorized use of any materials on the site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. You may view, copy, and download information or software ("Materials") found on the Site subject to the following terms, conditions, and exceptions:
  • The materials are to be used solely for personal, noncommercial, informational and educational purposes. The materials are not to be modified. They are to be distributed in the format provided with the source clearly identified. The copyright information or other proprietary notices may not be removed, changed, or altered.
  • Materials may not be published, uploaded, posted, transmitted (other than as set forth herein), without written permission from American Thoracic Society.
Course summary
Publication Date: 
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B. Shoshana Zha, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep Medicine
Director, Bronchiectasis and Pulmonary NTM Clinical Program
University of California-San Francisco
San Francisco, California 

Insmed, Inc.  |  Advisory Meeting
Insmed, Inc.  |  Site investigator to enroll for clinical trial
COPD Foundation  |  Site investigator to enroll participants for Bronchiectasis Research Registry 

Jeff Tarnow, RCP, RRT
Respiratory Therapist
UCSF Health
San Francisco, CA 

Nothing to disclose

Planning Committee 


Asha Anandaiah, MD
Program Director, MGH/BIDMC/Harvard Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, MA 

Nothing to disclose  

Mark L. Metersky, MD
Professor, University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Director, UCONN Center for Bronchiectasis Care
Farmington, Connecticut 

Boehringer Ingelheim  |  Consultant
Tactile Systems Technology Inc  |  Consultant
AN2  |  Data And Safety Monitoring
Renovion  |  Data And Safety Monitoring
Insmed, Inc  |  Consultant

B. Shoshana Zha, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep Medicine
Director, Bronchiectasis and Pulmonary NTM Clinical Program
University of California-San Francisco
San Francisco, California 

Insmed, Inc.  |  Advisory Meeting
Insmed, Inc.  |  Site investigator to enroll for clinical trial
COPD Foundation  |  Site investigator to enroll participants for Bronchiectasis Research Registry 


Disclosure Declaration

It is the policy of the ATS to ensure independence, balance, objectivity, scientific rigor, and integrity in all of its continuing education activities. As an accredited CME provider, the ATS requires that its planners, reviewers and presenters comply with the ACCME Standards Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education.  The ATS also requires specific disclosure of relationships with companies and organizations associated with tobacco or cannabis and prohibits or limits participation of faculty in official ATS activities, including CME, if any tobacco industry relationship or some types of cannabis industry relationships is present. The most recent policies regarding potential conflicts of interest as well as the mechanisms to mitigate or resolve such conflicts can be found here: COI Policy for Official ATS Activities (

All relevant financial relationships have been reviewed and mitigated.


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